منطقــة «الشـمال – الغربي» الــفيدراليــة
كان بناء سان بطرسبورغ سبباً في زيادة عدد المسلمين في المنطقة. ويعتبر مسجد سان بطرسبورغ المسجد الرئيسي في المنطقة، وقد وقد تم وضع حجر الأساس لتشييده عام 1910. ومن الجدير بالذكر ايضا، أنه كان هناك مسجدًا آخر في المنطقة الفيدرالية الشمالية الغربية، ويقع بالتحديد في مدينة أرخانغيلسك، وقد تم نرميم المسجد وأعاده مظهره الأصلي تاريخياً عام 2017، حيث اعتبر هذا المسجد، ولفترة طويلة من الزمن، انه الابعد جغرافيا باتجاه الشمال.
Northwestern Federal District

The number of Muslims increased in the region when Saint Petersburg was founded in 1703. By the end of the 19th century, there were two Muslim communities with prayer halls and a designated prayer hall for the military in Saint Petersburg. The founding stone of Saint Petersburgs biggest mosque was laid in 1910. Another mosque in the region, situated in the
White Sea port of Arkhangelsk, which was restored to its original form in 2017, was considered for a long while to be the northernmost mosque in the world.

Main information
about the district

Area (km2)

1 686 972

Population, 2019
13 969 390

Administrative center
Saint Petersburg

Cultural capital of Russia

The Saint Petersburg Cathedral Mosque was
the main Muslim mosque of Tsarist Russia.
The mosque was officially opened on February
22 nd, 1913. The mosque is constructed in a
stylized form of Samarkand and Cairo
architectural schools. The surface of the
building is covered with grey granite. The
mosque dome copies the profile of that
crowning the top of Gur-e-Amir Mausoleum
in Samarkand.

Northern Asia

The monumental lobed dome on the top of
the cylindrical base is accompanied with two
front minarets symmetrically placed on the
both sides of the entrance arch in the center.
The main dome reaches 39 m in height, while
the minarets 48 m. Like many other traditional
medieval architectural building of the East,
the Cathedral Mosque is decorated with
turquoise tiles.

Minbar in Arkhangelsk

In 1905, the Muslims built a wooden mosque
in the Tatar Sloboda, Arkhangelsk city. It was
used as a kindergarten after the closure. In
2014, the building under the reconstruction
was fired. However, soon the mosque was
completely restored and opened on 3
February , 2018.

At the North Sea

For a long while, Arkhangelsk mosque has
been considered as the world's
northernmost Muslim mosque, as it is
located near the Polar circle, where the polar
bears live. Like many other buildings in the
city, the mosque is standing on the wood
piles. Rawil Gaynutdin, the religious leader of
Russian Muslims, Rustam Minnikhanov, the
President of Tatarstan, Igor Orlov, the
Governor of the Arkhangelsk Oblast attended
the opening ceremony.