مــنــطــقــة الـــشـّــرق الأقــصــى الـفـيـدرالـيـّـة
يعتبر تاريخ الإسلام في الشرق الأقصى حديثاً نسبيًا. بدءًا من من القرن السابع عشر إلى القرن التاسع عشر حيث وصلت موجة ضخمة من المسلمين إلى هذه الأراضي للتنقيب عن الذهب الموجود في باطن اراضي منطقة كوليما. وقد حمل أحد المناجم اسم المُسلم ««باري شفيع اللّين»»، الذي كان أول من اكتشف في هذه المنطقة ثروات كبيرةً لا توصف.
زاد عدد المسلمين بشكل كبير خلال الفترة السوفيتيّة، فقد أنشأوا العديد من المجتمعات من أجل الحفاظ على التقاليد الدينية هناك، وكان هذا امراً صعباً للغاية حينها بالنظر إلى الوضع السياسي.

مــنــطــقــة الـــشـّــرق الأقــصــى الـفـيـدرالـيـّـة

Islam has a relatively short history in Russia's Far East. In the 17th–19th centuries, a huge wave of Muslims arrived there to develop
gold deposits in the Kolyma River basin. One of the mines was named after a Muslim gold panner, Bari Shafigullin, who was the first to discover the region's inexhaustible riches.

Under Soviet rule, the region saw a steep increase in the number of ethnic Muslims. They organized the communities in an attempt to preserve their religious traditions, which was a difficult thing to do in the prevailing political climate.

Main information
about the district

Area (km2)

6 952 555

Population, 2019
8 189 261

Administrative center

Whole Earth is Mosque

It is not uncommon to see the Muslims praying on the open air. This is partly due to the fact that the mosques can accommodate only limited number of people.
Today's Far East is the region with new mosques under construction and developing Muslim infrastructure.
Land of the Mammoths

Yakutia is the largest region of Russia with the area that is six times as much as that of France.
The population of the Republic includes Christians, Pagans, and Muslims. It is a known fact that in 1913 there has been two Muslim prayer centers and two Russian and Tatar schools.
In 2005, a new mosque was opened in Yakutsk. The mosque was built on wood piles as the temperature here reaches -50C in winter. The Muslims, who were unable to get into the full mosque, prayed on the open air. Therefore, there was made a decision to reconstruct the building and to extend the premises.
Pacific gates of Russia

Nakhodka is a port city that meats the arriving ships with churches and mosques.

The Muslim mosque was built with the assistance of local Tatar community. It is an ascetical two-story building made of red bricks.

The minaret reaches 21 m in height. The mosque can accommodate up to 500 people.

On the river bank: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

The region's largest mosque was built in five years on the funds donated by the Muslims of Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Khabarovsk. It is a three-story building, capable of accommodating about 1,400 people.
The mosque is used as a prayer hall, for education purposes and holds open talk sessions about Islam.